poolife® Calcium Plus Balancer



poolife® Calcium Plus raises the calcium hardness of swimming pool water. The ideal calcium hardness range is 200-500ppm. Maintaining calcium hardness below 200ppm may cause corrosion of metal and plaster surfaces.

Useful Tips:

  • Test calcium hardness monthly and add this product if calcium hardness is below 200 ppm.
  • Use convenient dosage chart on product label.
  • If a large amount of Calcium Plus is required (more than a 50 ppm addition), add in 1/3 increments, allowing 4-6 hours between additions

  • 8 lbs.
  • 25 lbs.

Have your pool water tested to determine you calcium hardness level. The level should be maintained between 200-500 ppm. Add 1 lb per 10,000 gallons of pool water to raise the calcium level by 10 ppm. Add directly to pool by broadcasting.

Have your pool water tested to determine you calcium hardness level. The level should be maintained between 200-500 ppm. Add 1 lb per 10,000 gallons of pool water to raise the calcium level by 10 ppm. Add directly to pool by broadcasting.

Can be used with all pool and spa sanitizing systems

Raises calcium hardness which helps protect the vinyl liner

  • Test calcium hardness monthly and add this product if calcium hardness is below 200ppm.
  • Use convenient dosage chart on product label.
  • If a large amount of poolife® Calcium Plus is required (more than a 50 ppm addition), add in 1/3 increments, allowing 4-6 hours between additions.